
GST国際関係・YCE・レオ 2018年07月27日

YCE サマーキャンプを開催しました 岩手県大船渡市 2018.7.27~7.29

今年の332複合地区 YCE サマーキャンプを岩手県大船渡市にて開催しました。



Teng, Ta-Chi 夏来日レポート

 This is not my first time to travel Japan, but is definitely the best time. In these three weeks, I think my Japanese has improved. From the fit day to the last day, my host family and lions club took me to many wonderful places in Miyagi. 松島和瑞嚴寺are so beautiful, I like Japanese temple and learn how to pray . 蔵王foxes is one of  my favorite places. In the three days YCE camp, we go to 大船渡市. I have many first-time experiences in there. The first time to enjoy 茶道, their motions are so elegance, and every tea set is gorgeous. Our legs are pain but I love this kind of traditional things so much. In addition to the experiences in 大船渡市, I also learned many things of the 311 earthquake and tsunami. Before coming to this city,I never know how’s the day of victims after 311. I am so touched by the rebuild of city and also upset about the tragedy. The favorite experience in Japan is go to 石卷川開祭!Joining a summer fireworks festival in Japan is one of my life to do list. In the two days festival, I ate the first colorful ice, wearing 浴衣 for the first time. I also tried the great technology of robots, air camera and karaoke.

The places I have been to are wonderful, but the people I met here are the most precious memories ! In the 3 days camp, I met different countries friends. It’s nice to exchange our culture with each other. I’m so glad to have host family like 加藤、関谷、木村. 加藤papa always cared to me and 加藤 mama always made me happy. They took me to many places in Sendai and I like to experience Japanese normal life in 加藤family.関谷はは is so interesting,being with her is always happy. She also cared to me very much, I like to have fun with her relatives and friends, so glad to know them. 木村family is very nice to me, I like to play with their cats and enjoying karaoke. 松田さん is also very nice, he always drives me to many places and play my favorite song of southern all star. I want to thank them for these 21 days wonderful memories.

This culture exchange experience makes me know more details culture of Japan, it also let me know more a lot of Taiwan. After this traveling, I love Japan and Taiwan more than before. Hope someday, the people I met here can come to Taiwan, I also want to show them the beauty of Taiwan.



